Salliann Putman working in her studio
Artist’s Statement
Subject matter in my work is far less important to me than the abstract qualities of the painting itself. I am preoccupied with space, form, colour and mark.
The inspiration for the work may come from any visual or emotional experience - memory and imagination may also play a part in the creative process.
I do not have a preconceived idea of how the finished painting will look. As soon as I make a mark, or place a colour, then the painting has its own life and makes its own demands. It is my concern as a painter to respond to those demands. I work until space, form, colour and mark create a balance - an order that indicates that it is time to put the brush down.
1997 elected an associate member of the Royal Watercolour Society.
1999 elected a Fellow of the Royal Watercolour Society.
1999 elected a member of the New English Art Club.
1988 -1993
Studied Fine Art at the West Surrey College of Art and Design, Farnham, obtaining an honours degree.
Teaching Experience
From 1984 I have run painting courses at a number of venues and workshops for the Royal Watercolour Society and the New English Art Club.
I have exhibited widely with a number of galleries in both the UK and the USA.
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition
Royal Watercolour Society
New English Art Club.